The Sunshine Underground
Literally back stage, right out at the back of the building in fact, into the car park of the New Roadmender in Northampton, I’m sitting in the company of Craig and Matthew, vocalist and drummer of The Sunshine Underground respectively.

Enjoying the spring sunshine as well are The Whip’s drummer Fi, and bassist Nathan and the conversation has turned to the good weather.

“You have to make the tour into much as a holiday as possible,” laughs Fi.

“Yeah we’re playing Brighton, we could add Weston Supermare, Bognor and Skegness,” agrees Craig.

“You could have fish and chips as your rider, with Dandelion and Burdock,” adds Nathan.

“On the NME tour our rider was so shit,” declares Craig. “ The Young Pony Club had bottles of vodka and wine, loads of different beers. We literally had twelve packets of crisps and ten beers and it was slightly embarrassing so we thought it had to change. We were trying to be cheeky and put stuff on like cigarettes and weird things on it and every now and again they do turn up. Dandelion and Burdock is going on.”

“Once we had the details of our rider emailed to us as it read, ‘all the food must be covered and labelled ‘The Whip do not touch’’,” starts Fi. “When we get there the management are looking at us like we’re total bastards.”

Whilst everyone is laughing, Craig makes a short statement. “That’s the album title right there – ‘The Whip, Do Not Touch’.”

With the discussion on riders I add that when I booked the Space Raiders, I bought them a box of Space Raiders crisps, which to the amusement of everyone, they threw into the crowd.

“I did that,” begins Craig. “I threw an entire loaf of bread at Ipswich.”

“What the town?” chuckles Nathan. >>

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