Pure Reason Revolution

"The problem is that there's probably too many demos," states Jon. "I've got like sixty double-sided dictaphone tapes of all these ideas. There's always too much, you have to trawl through it all. You have good ideas and then you forget about them. What I do is I'll stick it all down. Say there's three tapes, I'll spend two days going through the three tapes, marking out the time thing and marking out 'good melody - shit riff', 'good melody-quite cheesy, sounds like KT Tunstall, don't use', 'sounds a bit Coldplay, maybe don't use but sounds a bit nice.' I have to give it all labels."

So apart from sorting out the tapes, what inspires the band? Every morning they get up, it's another morning for Pure Reason Revolution, what inspires them to carry on?

Chloe has a quick laugh and then begins. "The fact that we've got a record deal. That people have got faith in us. That if we want to make a stamp on the music scene we've got to work our arses off. I think we've learnt that, when we got signed. I was like 'wooooooooo fuck everything', but it's been a really slow process."

"Its like when you sort of sign the deal," starts Jon. "It's not where the work starts but there's a hell of a lot of work. You just can't sit back and kinda thiink that the record company is going to do it for you. Bands break bands, not record companies."

Interview by Andrew Mclean 2005
Photography © Pure Reason Revolution & Andrew McLean

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