It was the new millenium, a new year and that meat there were a feast of bands for whom it was it was hoped would hold many great things. One such band was JJ72. isnakebite.com caught up with the Irish threesome pre-gig at the Borderline.

Why does he have that voice? Why are they all so gorgeous? Why does he have the same watch as me? Jeff Buckley? Columbia Hotel in London? Sex, drugs and rock and roll! All questions hurtling through my mind as I stood stage front at the borderline as JJ72 serenaded me with their masterful sounds. Two supermodels and a lead singer with school-boyish features who have gained the adoration the kids in the playground never expected! This is JJ72 in their prime and at their best – but more of that later.

Unless you have had your head under a rock for the past four months then you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. They are indeed "the buzz band" of the moment. Linking the melodious arms of Manics and Buckley and Nirvana in one big mesh of beautiful angst, they have wowed the indie press and all surrounding them. Yet they still remain outside of the charts.

isnakebite.com always being on the ball, made sure we got in there early and went to have a chat with them at the Borderline late one Tuesday for their second big London gig. The last affair in the Camden Falcon was packed to the rafters with the usual Camden crawling elite including Crispin Hunt, Llama Farmers, Gay Dad and many others - too many more to mention in fact.

"Yeah the London gigs are our favourites," states frontman and main songwriter Mark, "Because you are guaranteed a crowd. I mean half of it is going to be industry people but there are also going to be lots of people who really want to listen."

And the pop stars at the Falcon?

"I think that's going to happen tonight!" laughs Mark.

Hailing from Dublin, a place not notorious for guitar welding heroes but more drama school certificate bearing naff pop artists, why did JJ72 come about? >>

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